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Signs of Damaged Skin Barrier and How to Repair It

Signs of A Damaged Skin Barrier

  1. Scaly or dry skin

  2. Itchy skin

  3. Rough skin

  4. Discolored patches of skin

  5. Bacterial, viral, or fungal skin infections

  6. Inflammation

  7. More sensitive skin than normal

  8. Dullness or redness

  9. Delayed wound healing

How to Repair Damaged Skin Barrier

1. Pare Down Your Skincare Routine

Some of us have variety of skin care products but when being asked, “Why are you using that?” The answer is often “I don’t know” or “I heard it was good.”

You can curate a targeted skincare routine with an expert or you can do it with a plethora of research on the internet, but I want you to understand what a product is doing for your specific skin needs before you start it. Of course, that means you should also sit down and decide: “What am I looking to achieve with my skincare routine?” For some, this will be decreased redness. For others, it may be evening the skin tone or controlling acne breakouts. A goal-directed skincare routine will be effective, simpler, gentler, and cheaper.

Look for fragrance-free products and being cautious with any product or chemical/ingredient that may exacerbate irritation or inflammation such as alcohol, various acids (such as salicylic and glycolic acid), retinoids (used for acne and antiaging), and other harsh exfoliants.

2. Use a Gentle (but Effective) Skin Cleanser

Solid soap bar made from natural ingredients (not those commercial ones) is a good option for both face and body wash as it only contains oil from plants, and/or butter. As solid bar does not consist of water, preservative is not required. Moreover, solid soap bar lathers well hence chemical like sodium loreth sulfate (SLES) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) which present in most of the liquid cleanser to create bubble is not required in solid soap. To know more about SLES and SLS, you may click the link to read more.

3.. Look for a Multifaceted Moisturizer

The best moisturizers have a combination of humectants, emollients and occlusives.

  • Humectants attract and bind water, increasing the skin’s water content. They can draw water to the skin either from the environment or enhance water absorption from the top layer of the skin. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid are probably the most well-known humectants in moisturizers.

  • Emollients are designed to soften the skin and include dimethicone, grape seed, coconut and jojoba oils, cocoa and shea butters, stearyl and cetyl alcohols and mineral oil.

  • Occlusives are ingredients that seal the moisture within your skin and forming a water-repelling barrier. Common occlusives used in skincare are petrolatum, lanolin, waxes and butters.

4. Try a plant oil to replenish your skin barrier

Research suggests that certain plant oils may help repair the skin barrier and also prevent your skin barrier from losing moisture. Many of these oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, too.

Some of the most effective plant oils to consider using on your skin include:

  • jojoba oil

  • coconut oil

  • almond oil

  • argan oil

  • borage oil

  • rosehip oil

  • sunflower oil

  • soybean oil

  • primrose oil

  • black currant oil

  • olive oil

There are many ways you can use plant oils on your skin.

You can apply creams and lotions that contain one or more of these oils as an ingredient. Or you can pour a small amount of the oil into the palm of your hand and then massage it gently into your skin until it’s absorbed.

5. Take Care of Yourself

You’ve, of course, heard the phrase “Your skin is the largest organ in your body.” The key here is that your skin is part of your body. What you eat, how much your sleep, and how you release stress all impact your overall health and your skin health.

The line between self-care and skincare has become blurred in the wrong direction. Wearing a face mask may or may not help sustain you through another week, but a good night’s rest will support your skin health.

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